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  1. Tu. Si l-ul tau. Si l-ul meu.

    Thursday, October 28, 2010

    E prematur. Este probabil ultima data cand risc acest lucru numit incredere. Dar e ceva ce ma face sa cred ca e pe bune de data asta. Cred ca ai fost prima persoana care chiar a vrut sa vada daca sunt bine. Cred ca e pt prima oara dupa mult timp cand simt ca nu'mi pasa numai mie. Asta e doar o supozitie. Cred. Tie: maybe i won't be here for ever. but i'm now.

    L-ul tau.
    Si el e aici. Si a mai fost in genul asta de sit. Dar lui ii atarna ceva, mie nu. Totusi e pe lista de ifiin.

    L-ul meu.
    L-ul meu nu e al meu. Nu o sa scriu aici toate lucrurile pe care i le as zice. Oricum nu i le voi zice. Lui: now and whenever you need.

  2. You live and learn.

    Sunday, October 24, 2010

    Am invatat ca roata e rotunda.
    Am invatat cat de important e sa fi langa cineva cand are nevoie de tine.
    Am invatat ca promisiunile nu se fac in stare de "euforie".
    Am invatat ca tocurile si vodka nu se impaca bine.
    Am invatat ca unele persoane cred numai ce vor sa creada.
    Am invatat ca nu merita sa iti bati capul sa ii explici ceva unei pers care nu vrea sa auda asta.
    Am invatat ca unele persoane pur si simplu nu pot accepta adevarul.
    Am invatat ca majoritatea oamenilor sunt ipocriti.
    Si am mai invatat multe, dar chef sa le postez.

    P.S. - Draga supa de dovlecei, sunt mereu aici sa ascult. Si multumesc. Te pup.

  3. Starting up a brand new thing

    Monday, October 18, 2010

    To be able to give yourslef a shot you have to leave your past behind. It's the only way you can succeed.
    Scars... What about them? Whoever said 'scars heal' was a completely idiot. Scars are not even supposed to heal. They are called like this because represent the traces of all the things we've been through. They are supposed to remind us of what we beard.
    Leave your past behind, but don't forget it. You can't cheat your love. Cuz it's always going to be there. And there will be moments when you'll miss him/her and you'll ask yourslef 'what if...?'. And you are still going to be worried when you find out he/she has put himself/herself in danger. You are still going to want to tell him/her everything you couldn't so far.
    You get to feel this. But just for a moment. You get to be insecure. But you don't get to let this screw your actual life up. You miss them, but you move on. Don't give up to people who care about you just because of a memory. He/she is not here right now; but the people who do care about you ARE. Don't walk away from them. They may be the only opportunity you have.

    So give yourself a shot. Give them a shot. Start over. Start a brand new thing. And when in doubt, just take the next step.

    PS. - It applies to me too. But I'll be here. Whether you like it or not:)

  4. Totally autumned

    Saturday, October 16, 2010

    A fi sau a nu fi... deprimat. Chiar asta e intrebarea. Pe vremea asta e cam greu sa nu fi. Si cand natura si amigdalele nu prea te lasa sa iesi afara, logic stai in casa. Si cum esti prea plictisit de TV si nu ai destula rabdare sa te uiti la un film, incepi sa te gandesti, lucru care in situatia mea nu duce la un rezultat prea bun. Existenta mea e stresata si complicata prin simplul fapt ca e a mea.
    Pe vremea asta nu ma mai ajuta nici post-it-urile, nici panoul, nici toate hartiile in care m-am ingropat. Ce trist. Imi plang de mila. Sunt naspa.
    Ti-am spus vreodata cat imi place frigul? Poate ca da. Desi sunt sigura ca nu ti-am spus niciodata de ce.
    Acum mi-e cald. Vreau sa-mi fie frig. Sa simt cum imi curge sangele in vene. Sa simt ca sunt vie; fiindca frigul este singurul lucru care inca mai poate face asta...
    Deprimare placuta in continuare!

    ps - probabil maine o sa sterg postul @-)

  5. New video [lov.em]

    Sunday, October 10, 2010

  6. Something to believe in

    Saturday, October 9, 2010

    De unde am inceput? De la urmatorul schimb de replici:
    M:nu poti sa te manifesti asa fata de ea; trebuie sa ai macar un pic simtul prieteniei adevarate.
    eu: ce-i aia?
    T: esti o panarama daca nu sti ce e prietenia adevarata.
    eu: ghinion.

    Chiar e asa grav? Chiar e vina mea? Eu am avut simtul ala. Au avut grija alte persoane sa mi-l pierd. De ce fac pe mama ranitilor? Pentru ca stiu cat de important e sa fie cineva ACOLO. Sau cel putin stiu cum e sa nu fie. Deci nu ma judeca pentru ca incerc sa fiu langa tine. Nu ma judeca pentru ca nu vreau sa plec. Fiindca, indiferent ca tu nu esti aici, eu sunt. Si pentru tine si pentru el si pentru ea si pentru inca cateva 'ea'. Si nu ma plang ca eu sunt cea care e pentru mine.

    P.S. - Nu o sa ezit sa imi iau revansa.\
    P.P.S. - Stiu, sunt o nenorocita:)). Ghinion, n-ai ce sa-mi faci:)
    again - postul a fost scris in nu tocmai cea mai 0% alch stare =)

  7. Intrebare

    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    Cine imi da antonimul cuvantului "a anticipa" e cel mai smecher om!

  8. I wish...

    Sunday, October 3, 2010

    Wishes.. Why do we keep making wishes? We are aware of the impossibility of their accomplishment. 22:22, 0:00, a falling star, an airplane. Little things. We keep hoping that our wishes will accomplish. We have expectations; and this is the disappointments come from.
    Anyway, if you make a wish, you can't pretend that you don't think deep inside that it's even a slightly chance to have it fulfilled. No matter how hard I try, I can't believe in coincidences... Ok, between me and you, I'm the emotional one.
    Even you end up damadged, you keep hoping. What happens when you get tired? I have been making wishes every single day in the last year. And I actually thought it had accomplished. You know what? STOP. I'm tired of waiting, tired of hoping, tired of believing. And although I say this,
    my dot turns to be a comma. Cause you know I'll be here.

    "falling down like a waterfall..."

  9. Once in a lifetime.

    Saturday, October 2, 2010

    " Lightning doesn't often strike twice. It's a once in a lifetime thing. Even if it feels like the shock is coming over and over again. Eventually the pain will go away, the shock will wear off. And you start to heal yourself. To recover from something you never saw coming. But, sometimes the odds are in your favor. If you're in just the right place at just the right time you can take a helluva hit. And still have a shot at surviving." (Meredith Grey)

  10. I have just woke up. And the first thing I see is that an old friend tagged me in a picture as "love expert". And I really wonder why he did it.
    Cuz sincerly, I have to face the facts. My love life has always been fucked up!