To be able to give yourslef a shot you have to leave your past behind. It's the only way you can succeed.
Scars... What about them? Whoever said 'scars heal' was a completely idiot. Scars are not even supposed to heal. They are called like this because represent the traces of all the things we've been through. They are supposed to remind us of what we beard.
Leave your past behind, but don't forget it. You can't cheat your love. Cuz it's always going to be there. And there will be moments when you'll miss him/her and you'll ask yourslef 'what if...?'. And you are still going to be worried when you find out he/she has put himself/herself in danger. You are still going to want to tell him/her everything you couldn't so far.
You get to feel this. But just for a moment. You get to be insecure. But you don't get to let this screw your actual life up. You miss them, but you move on. Don't give up to people who care about you just because of a memory. He/she is not here right now; but the people who do care about you ARE. Don't walk away from them. They may be the only opportunity you have.
So give yourself a shot. Give them a shot. Start over. Start a brand new thing. And when in doubt, just take the next step.
PS. - It applies to me too. But I'll be here. Whether you like it or not:)
Starting up a brand new thing
Monday, October 18, 2010
Posted by Marcelino at 11:02 AM | Labels: deeisme, friendship, leaving, my opinion, sad |
sunt chestii in trecut de care nu te poti desparti indiferent cat de mult de iti doresti. parerea mea :-?
am spus undeva in post": you can't cheat your love. initial am vrut sa scriu your first love, dar ar fi fost prea pe subiect si nu am vrut sa particularizez dandu ma ex=)
ce am vrut eu sa zic este ca desi inevitabil suntem legati de trecut, nu putem trai din el. este greu sa treci peste el, dar trebuie sa incerci sa il privesti ca atare: past and gone. chiar daca intotdeauna iti va fi dor.. it's natural to miss him:)
am aceeasi parere cu dianaa!
nu stiu daca ti ai dat seama, dar ce ati zis voi doua, am zis si eu in post =) + ideea ca nu te desparti e ele, ci pur si simplu nu traiesti din ele:P
depindee. adica se poate ajunge si la o faza in care nu-ti dai seama daca traiesti sau nu din ele, doar te chinuiesti sa mai vezi prezentul. :-?